HAALA ULFAATAA KEESSATTI/ In difficult situations!

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HAALA ULFAATAA KEESSATTI/In difficult situations

1)Haala jiru fudhachuu: Haala keessa jirtu beekii fudhadhu. Rakkoo sana haaluun ykn bira darbuun akka badu hin godhi. Fudhatama argachuun tasgabbooftee furmaata akka argattu si gargaara.

2) Furmaata irratti xiyyeeffachuu: Rakkoo sana irratti xiyyeeffachuu mannaa furmaata barbaaduu irratti xiyyeeffadhu. Yoo furmaanni tokko hin jiraanne, hanga furmaata argattutti kan biraa yaali.

3)Gargaarsa barbaaduu: Gargaarsa barbaaduu hin sodaatin. Nama amanattu kan akka hiriyyaa, miseensa maatii ykn ogeessa fayyaa wajjin haasa’i. Deeggarsa fi gorsa siif kennuu danda’u.

4)Of kunuunsi: Wantoota si gammachiisan kan akka sochii qaamaa gochuu, xiinxaluu ykn uumama keessa yeroo dabarsuudhaan dhiphina mudatu.

5) Muuxannoo kee irraa baradhu: Rakkoon hundi carraa barachuuti. Waan ta’e, maal akka baratte, akkasumas muuxannoo kana akkamitti fayyadamtee gara fuulduraatti cimaa fi dandamachuu akka dandeessu irratti xiinxali.

Hubadhu: Rakkoon Mana nama hundumaa kan seentudha.
Rakkoon Foormulaa jireenyaa jireenya nama kamii keessatti argamudha garuu, akkaataa nuti itti fayyadamnee furmaata barbaannutu adda nu taasisa.
Yeroo hunda jireenya gaarii jiraattee hin qoramtu taanaan, namummaa kee shakki!.
Qorumsi qartuu dhala namaati.


↪️ Accept the situation: Acknowledge your situation and accept it. Don’t let the problem disappear by denying or ignoring it. Acceptance helps you to calm down and find a solution.

↪️ Solution-focused: Instead of focusing on the problem, focus on finding a solution. If one solution doesn’t work, try another until you find a solution.

↪️Seek help: Don’t be afraid to seek help. Talk to someone you trust, such as a friend, family member, or health professional. They can offer you support and advice.

↪️Take care of yourself: Deal with stress by doing things you enjoy, like exercising, meditating, or spending time in nature.

↪️Learn from your experience: Every problem is an opportunity to learn. Reflect on what happened, what you learned, and how you can use this experience to be stronger and more resilient in the future.

Note: Problems enter everyone’s home.
Problems are the Formula of life in anyone’s life, but how we use them to find solutions makes us unique.
If you always live a good life and are not tested, doubt your humanity!.
Temptation is the edge of humanity.

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