Dhalooni garuu maaf kana dagatee But why has the generation forgotten this

Namni baay’een hojiin online kunni soba birri hin kennuu jedhu! Ati garuu hojaadhu ilaalii jechaa nama dhiisii application kana bufaadhu itti fayyadamii link isa bareefama kana jalaa jira


Har’a waa’ee jaalalaa waliin ilallaa Hamma dhimmatti dubbisaa
Jaalalalli kiristiyaanummaa keessatti wanta Hundee ta’edha kiristaanni kamiyyuu Jaalala hin qabu taanaan Duwwaadha Tajaajilli isaa waldaa deemuun isaa lallabuun isaa faarfachuunsaa tokkoyyuu bu’aa hin qabu. Nuti eenyuun iyyuu akka obboleessa keenya jaallanutti jaallachuu qabna yesus yeroo barsiisu akkas jedhe
diinota keessan jaalladhaa, warra is in ari’ataniifis kadhadhaa!
W/Maatewoos 5/43

Filannee jaallachuu hin dandeenyu diina keenya jibbaa fira keenya qofa jaallachuu hin dandeenyu kanaoo warrumti biyya lafaa iyyuu ni godhu Diina keenyas jaallachuu qabna asirratti garuu hubadhaa diinni keenya seexanadha malee diina foonii hin qabnu M/qulqulluu dubbisneerraas diina kan inni jedhu nama hamaa nutti hojjete jechuudha fira keenya kan nuti jaallannu sababa inni wanta gaarii nuuf godhuufidha garuu miti diina keenya isa nu miidhe iyyuu jaallachuu qabna Jaalalli furtuu wanta hundaatioo
Maaltu beeka nama hamaa nu irratti raawwate sana jaalalli keenya mo’ee Gara wanta Gaarii hojjechuutti isa deebisa ta’a Garuu hubadhaa jaalalli keenya onnee irraa ta’uu qaba

Nama jaallachuun keessan jaalala dhugaa haa ta’u, waan hamaa jibbaa, wanta gaarii ta’etti qabamaa jiraadhaa! 10 Jaalala obbolummaatiin ho’isaa wal jaalladhaa; walii keessaniif ulfina kennuudhaaf wal dorgomaa!
Roomaa 12/9

Eeee akkuma olitti ilaaltan jaalala dhugaa wal jaallachuu qabna Wal kabajuu qabna Jaalalli Keenyas onneerraa kan ta’e haa ta’u

Yaa namaa Jaalala hin qabdu taanaan siif wayyoo Wanta hunda kan dursu jaalala, kiristoos akkuma akkasumaan nu jaallatee Tola lubbuu isaa nuuf laate nuunis walii keenya tola wal jaallachuu qabna gatii tokko malee diina,fira,Gurraacha,diimaa,birmaduu,garba,sooressa hiyyeessa utuu hin jedhiin wal jaallachuu qabna.


Let’s talk about love together today Read up on the issue
Love is the Foundation of Christianity and any Christian is Empty if he does not have Love. We should love everyone as we love our brother Jesus said when he taught
love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.
W/Matthew 5/43

We cannot choose to love our enemies and hate our friends and we cannot love only our friends so even the world does We should love our enemies too but here please note that our enemy is Satan and we have no physical enemy we love because he does good things for us but not we should love even our enemies who hurt us Love is the key to everythingoo
Who knows, our love may overcome the person who has done us wrong and turn him back to doing good. But understand that our love must be from the heart

Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor that which is evil, cleave to that which is good. 10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; compete for honor with one another!
Romans 12/9

Yes as you can see above we should love each other with true love We should respect each other And let Our love be from the heart

Woe to you if you don’t have love man Love is the first thing, just as Christ loved us and gave His life for us we should love each other freely without any price enemy,friend,Black,red,free,slave,rich poor we must love each other.

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Application kunnooti amumaa bufaadha itti Fayyadama 👇🏾


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